Monday, July 2, 2012

A Better Me!

For as long as I can remember I have hated to exercise (unless it was so fun I didn't know I was exercising) and I LOVE junk food. Healthy has NEVER been my thing. Recently the consequences of my past choices (not eating right, being too busy so I eat while I work, eating disorders, etc) have caught up to me. Well, they started to catch up to me about a year and a half ago; but I didn't see it that way. I saw it as a inconvenience to my hectic lifestyle that I loved. I did what I did for anything that tried to slow me down, popped some pills and pushed through. Eventually it shut me down completely (like days away from being hospitalized because my body was shutting down) I started to make a few changes and got some nontraditional medicine from a guy who worked in wellness healing. Then I started to watch my diet a little, and occasionally work out. I still wasn't back to 100%. Finally last week it really started to bother me that I haven't felt 100% in over a year. So I decided to DO something about it.

My curent goals are to EVERYDAY:
1) Drink at least 1 gallon of water.
2) Eat healthier (avoiding soda, fast foods, and foods I know mess up my intestines)
3) Exercise in some way (the days I work at the hotel count as exercise, trust me)
4) Create in some way (paint, write, sew, etc)

I'm not going to move a mountain in one day, but I can move it by doing a little everyday. I'm excited about this journey to becoming a healthier me and making a pathway for healthy future children.

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