Wednesday, July 18, 2012

When the Going Gets Tough

As those of you who have been reading know, we moved to Texas from Maine on a whim (well, it was more like we had no choice being broke down in Colorado). Since then life has continued to get interesting, and even more financially stressful. Just today I got an overdue notice that made it all sink in even more. Trial and error, even in the big stuff that we pray we never have to make mistakes with. It is like rollar coaster going down and gaining speed. I stopped screaming a while back, but my stomach is still in my throat. I am still aware of the speedy decent. Often I stop for a moment and wonder if it will ever go up again.

That is life, though. It is never what we expect it to be, and never perfect. If we get bitter at the fact that we have to struggle, then life will always be a distasteful course. It is more than making the best of a situation, it is having the mindset that what I have here in front of me is what life is supposed to me right now. I am not saying to settle, but understand that sometimes we are meant to have nothing to our name but a few unflattering outfits and some shampoo. That I need to be content in the fact that there is no privacy or  mall within 200 miles, but still continue to pursue my dreams and goals the best that I can. It is being content with the things that I cannot or should not change, and doing something about the things I can and should change. 

So here's to the things that cannot be changed, are not going my way, and scare me to death. Here's to life! 

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