Sunday, June 24, 2012

Baking Soda Uses

     When I was a kid and we would run out of tooth paste, my mother would mix together baking soda and water in a little cup and tell us to use that. Oh how I hated the taste, but little did I know how well it worked. Now that I am an adult I have started to use this little trick again. Not just when I run out of tooth paste, but when ever I feel plaque building up or my teeth start to hurt or get sensitive. It works so well and your teeth feel so smooth after. (I can tolerate the taste a lot better too)

She also would have us drink a glass of water with a tablespoon of baking soda in it when we had beans to stop our stomachs from getting too gassy. (now I know that if you add baking soda in the cooking process it helps the same way)

My grandma always had a box of baking soda open in her refrigerator to absorb gross odors. She also used it to help scrub and clean things (kinda like comet).

I have found out through some Pinteresting and googling that baking soda is kinda like 409, it has many great uses. The great thing about it is that it is cheap and not a harsh chemical (like so many things we use these days).

Here are a few of the amazing uses I have discovered and tried (some of them I still plan on trying, but haven't gotten there yet)

Bathtub Scrub

Face Wash

Homemade Glowstick


Remove Splinters

I also found this list of 51 Uses for Baking Soda

If you are looking for chemical free, cheap household/personal cleaner 
baking soda can be your new best friend!

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